
Concussions are the most common form of traumatic brain injuries. Sports-related concussions are the most common type of concussions among older children and teenagers and can occur in any sport or recreational activity. Concussion protocol has become a focus area for Provincial Sport Organizations in order to appropriately educate athletes, parents, coaches, administrators and sport communities at large. Parachute Canada and Coaches Association of Ontario have developed numerous resources to educate and bring awareness to concussion management and protocol to organizations and administrators, coaches and trainers, parents and caregivers, and athletes and participants.

Find helpful resources below.

Rowan’s Law, 2018

In Ontario Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety) was brought into legislation in 2018 making it mandatory for sport organization to ensure participants have reviewed Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources, have established a Concussion Code of Conduct to support prevention and establish a Removal from Sport and Return to Sport protocol when concussions are suspected.