
With little equipment required, running/wheeling is one of the more accessible options for all ages and abilities, and can be done by almost anyone with a desire to get outside and move (or find an inside track when the weather is at its worst). Most training programs follow an easy to remember run/walk or wheel hard/wheel at a manageable pace schedule in order to prepare you, not only cardio-wise, but also to prepare your muscles and joints for longer term sustained impact. Use this as an opportunity to explore new areas close to home and make friends with new running or wheeling buddies found through community groups.

This activity is a great starting point for advancement into other sports & activities as well as a low-cost activity that can be done almost anywhere.


  • High intensity: running can be a high intensity activity and a fantastic cardio workout. Remember to do a short warm up and cool down before hitting the pavement to help prevent any injuries.
  • Solo: many see running as a traditionally solo activity - you can just lace up your runners and off you go with little coordination or planning. However, running doesn’t have to be solo and many cities have vibrant running communities so you won’t even feel the miles passing with your new friends.
  • Affordable Options: all you need to run are a well fitted pair of runners and some protective clothing from the elements and darker evenings. It’s true that running can be as gadget-filled or basic as you like but most new runners just need a good pair of sneakers to take those first strides.

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